
Legally Satirical Workshop “Silicon Valley Legal Case Study”

Legally Satirical Workshop “Silicon Valley Legal Case Study”

September 29, during Startup Crash Test project #67  in Chasopys Creative Space, Nazar Polyvka, the partner at Axon Partners, crush-tested the new form of legal evangelism known as “Legally Satirical Workshop “Silicon Valley Legal Case Study”

The idea of this workshop is simple: when we speak about serious things, we should put it bluntly, and briefly, if it’s possible. All the more so, it’s the hell of a job to own a startup, so Silicon Valley series is just right up the alley. As the saying goes, experience keeps a dear school, that’s why we have divided the series into cases, and we are going to study each of them with prudence and with a smile.

We’ve started from the very beginning: what is an IP right, when does it emerge and what for, and how to protect it. We’ve discussed how to share the ideas about your project properly, whether it is prospective or is just in its infancy, and how to apply NDA, EULA and Terms of Use for this purpose.

Next time, we are going to talk about the power of printer’s ink on the early stages of funding, and study Term Sheet provisions, the complicated semantics of which is widely used by devious VCs to seduce startuppers out of the right way.

Make no mistake, it will be mentally beneficial and entertaining. Keep tabs on our upcoming events!

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