
Martial Law in Israel, Turkey and Philippines

Martial law has been adopted in Ukraine on November 26, 2018. It will long for 30 days. What does this mean for business we have explained here. But since there is no any practice of enforcement of the martial law in Ukraine, we have researched the other jurisdictions. This is what we would like to say.

Israel. The state of war, 1947 – our days.

Israel is truly a unique case. Israel’s independence was proclaimed on May 14, 1948, and in a few hours at the end of the same day, Egyptian planes started bombing the country, at the end of the day 5 Arab states declared war on Israel. Despite the fact that the last full-scale hostilities were in 2008, Israel is still taking missiles fire, and the news on military operations are as routine as the morning weather forecast.

However, all these things do not prevent Israel from being one of the most developed countries, having one of the highest GDP per capita ($ 40,000) rankings and fifteen billion deals in the high-tech area.

Turkey. The state of emergency, July 2016 – July 2018

The state of emergency in Turkey was introduced after the military coup attempt. As the result, they imposed a curfew, limited the freedom of press and assembly. There were mass arrests of the potential rebels adherents as well.

At the same time, the state of emergency practically had no impact on business, which was confirmed by the Doing Business rankings, for example, in the 2017 ranking (published in October 2016) the country got the 69th place, and in 2018 and 2019 rankings Turkey got the 60th and the 43rd places.

Philippines (Mindanao Island). Martial law, July 2017 – January 2018

Martial law was imposed in the Philippines due to the capture of Maravi city on the Mindanao island by the ISIS terrorists. The aim was to provide the military with additional powers to help them to fight terrorists.

Since martial law was introduced at the limited area, the business did not feel the negative impact, at least the press says so, however, the country has dropped from 113 to 124 place in the Doing Business ranking.

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