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Любомир Остапів
Любомир Остапів


Цифровізація права. Автоматизація юридичної роботи. Як юристу навчитися кодити. Чи можна написати нейромережу на PHP.

Mykyta Yevstifeiev
Mykyta Yevstifeiev


Litigation, intellectual property, crypto.

Mykyta Zavialov
Mykyta Zavialov


Contract and corporate law, pre-trial settlement of disputes.

Andrii Kostenko
Andrii Kostenko

Full Stack Developer

Digitalization of law. Automatization of legal work. How a lawyer can study coding. Writing a neural network in PHP.

Andrii Raietskyi
Andrii Raietskyi


Litigation. Protection of intellectual property and Domain Name Disputes.

Dmytro Gadomskyi
Dmytro Gadomskyi

Equity Partner, Attorney-at-law

How and where to set-up and operate a technology business. Negotiating shareholders’ agreement, issuing stock options. Conducting corporate restructuring. Legal support of M&A deals.

Den Beregovyi
Den Beregovyi

Equity Partner

Setting-up tech business in Ukraine or abroad. Startup financing & venture capital. IP protection and monetization. Contracts, term sheets, MoUs and tons of other documents.

Bogdan Duchak
Bogdan Duchak

Equity Partner

Structuring business properly. Making contract simple and clear. Anything else to help the client feel better.

Oksana Kochkodan
Oksana Kochkodan

Equity Partner, Attorney-at-law

Personal data protection. E-commerce. Shaping contracts. Mentorship for pre-seed startups. Fortune telling on legislative initiatives in data protection and AI.

Lida Klymkiv
Lida Klymkiv

Equity Partner, Attorney-at-law

Protecting IP rights in Ukraine and abroad, dealing with personal data protection issues, running a media business without infringing the privacy and/or reputation.

Yuriy Kornaga
Yuriy Kornaga

Equity Partner

Building an international holding structure and preparing business for an IPO. Winning sympathy of both investors and auditors.

Yana Bakalenko
Yana Bakalenko

Chief Operating Officer

Company’s internal systems: corporate culture, processes, people, office chair branding. And along come Agile, Scrum, Holacracy and other Teal Miscellaneous.

Kateryna Nalyvaiko
Kateryna Nalyvaiko


Personal data and IP protection. Embodying extraordinary ideas in different types of agreements. E-commerce

Olga Panchenko
Olga Panchenko


Translation from our lawyers' beautiful legal language into other languages with the preservation of the Axon's zest, translation of the legal language of Ukraine's codes and regulations into human and the promotion of correct punctuation in the English language

Dmytro Kondratiev
Dmytro Kondratiev


Intellectual Property, Patenting in the US, Contract law, Labor Law, International Private Law

Andrii Kostenok
Andrii Kostenok

Of counsel, Attorney-at-law

How to feel happy during interrogation and searching, how to return your seized property and how to refund the compensation for the funds stolen by hackers.

Mykhailo Yudin
Mykhailo Yudin

Equity Partner

Copyright and related rights protection. The full trademarks lifecycle. Obtaining and protection of rights to industrial property. Agreements on the disposal of intellectual property rights. IP-audits. Pre-trial dispute resolution.

Nadia Denysiuk
Nadia Denysiuk

Equity Partner, Attorney-at-law

Litigation from “A” to “Z” and negotiations, conflict situations and how to come out a winner.

Mariia Kokovska
Mariia Kokovska


Corporate law (VC, corporate structuring), contracts of various kinds.

Anna Petrushko
Anna Petrushko


Data protection, contract law and intellectual property.

Liubov Mykiievych
Liubov Mykiievych


Data protection, contract and corporate law.

Mariia Yesypovych
Mariia Yesypovych


Intellectual property rights. Copyright and related rights protection. Trademarks.

Olena Rybalko
Olena Rybalko


Taxes, pitfalls of contracts, smoothing rough edges of counterparties, corporate structuring.

Iryna Lialiuk
Iryna Lialiuk


Litigation. Protection of corporate rights, intellectual property rights, cultural heritage, and human rights. Corporate, tax, and contract law.

Maksym Boiko
Maksym Boiko


Taxes and taxes on and on. A little less corporate. And the rest of the time – contracts.

Danylo Oleksevych
Danylo Oleksevych


Crypto, sophisms in transactions and legal norms, complex ethical issues

Daria Dzekh
Daria Dzekh


Corporate, tax and contract law.

Olha Lukomska
Olha Lukomska


Copyright and related rights protection. Trademarks. Contracts. IP-audits. Fighting pirated content on the Internet.

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