
Axon Partners adopted the quality of the big companies, but turned the system of relations and values, that are specific to them

– Do you devote your weekends for it?

Dima.: No, we do not work on weekends. At least, we are trying not to. Of course, it happens that the customer has very urgent work. We trust our clients, and they trust us. If the work is really urgent, not only we are sitting in the office, but the client is also working.

Den.: We do not work for the client, but with him.

Nazar.: We really wonder what our customers do. We can accompany the crowdfunding project opening on launching bitcoin-exchange also at the weekend. But in general, the weekends is created not for the job.

Dima.: Although I work almost every weekend, in fact.

Bogdan.: That is because you are crashing bore, Dima.

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