
Axon Partners give free legal advice to Chasopys dwellers

Axon Partners give free legal advice to Chasopys dwellers

Every Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Kyiv Axon Partners pretend to work in Chasopys. Why pretend? The thing is, we actually address  legal questions right near the coffee machine. Generally, such questions touch on the issues of launching, funding and sale of technological businesses, intellectual property and taxes. We may as well answer other related questions, if they are interesting enough. So then, welcome to.


  • Legal support to IT companies and startups
  • Cryptocurrency and e-money
  • Protection of Intellectual property rights
  • E-commerce
  • Venture investment
  • Incorporation and operation of companies in foreign jurisdictions
  • commercial agreements


    • Dmytro Gadomsky, partner
    • Denys Beregovyi, partner
    • Bogdan Duchak, partner
    • Nazar Polyvka, partner
    • Oleg Geletkanych, associate
    • Yevgenia Gireva, associate
    • Lidiya Klymkiv, associate
  • Oksana Kochkodan, associate

AXON Partners provides the quality services of top-tier consulting companies and law firms but with a different approach. An approach that the technocrats would like to see in their own business: humane, creative and technology-based and that is how it should be nowadays.

We follow a simple philosophy: creativity is key to innovation. We gave up on the conservative corporate hierarchy replacing it with dedication and devotion. Every single member of our team is a self-sufficient, creative unit, providing its unique input into overall result. We do exactly what we’re passionate about and we are truly engaged in what we are working on. As a result, we do not work “for” the client, we work “together with” a client.

Chasopys: here you can get our legal advice for free. Of course, it is required that you register in advance, but it’s OK if you don’t.

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